APNS key download issue

Has anyone had problems downloading a newly created APNS key?

The first key I made downloaded fine. I realised I had made it on the wrong team, so I revoked it, changed team and made a new key. The first time I clicked Download, it said the key had already been downloaded.

I suspected the problem was that I had named it the same as the one I had made in error, so I revoked that new key, and made a new one with a different name, but it still wouldn't download.

Has anyone had this? Any workarounds?


Hello :)

That‘s interesting because I had the exact same issue a few months ago and I haven‘t found a solution for it yet. I can’t remember if I changed anything but it worked for me after I tried it again a few hours later… maybe it just needs some time to really revoke the first key.

I had the same issue today. I created first ever key for my account and got no chance to download it. From first try I received "Auth Key can only be downloaded once. This auth key has already been downloaded.". Then I tried to revoke and create new one and got the same result. What can be wrong with key creating? Can it be some global issue?

Having the same issue. I've tried multiple browsers, including Safari. I've tried multiple names. No matter what I do I just immediately get the error stating that I can Auth Key can only be downloaded once. Completely ridiculous.

Try from your iphone safari browser it works :)

@seithogei@gmail.com's solution worked for me as well!

Additionally, the answer from StackOverflow also worked for me. (= Right-click the Download button and select "Download Linked File" from the context menu to download the key.): https://stackoverflow.com/a/78357842/4366470

But this is a workaround. I hope Apple will fix this issue anyways.

You had to click done after key registered. and then click on the key that registered and click download.

It won't download in firefox, it worked in Safari on the first try. Apple should really fix this and stop forcing Safari.

APNS key download issue