About Privacy Manifest and how deep should we take care of Required API

So as we know it's nearty 1/5 and the deadline of Privacy Manifest is near, I had take care allmost of case in my project but the things is I keep getting warning emails saying that I need to state for some "required api" that I'm using in my code. Which I'm current not.

So after thinking abit, I decided to look into the IPA and extract the binary version of my IPA's package content using nm command.

And supprisingly I can easily saw all the "reuqired API" that stated in the email Apple send me for my release

So my question is: Do we really need to handle those case too? because always the "behind the scence" things using those API and honest I can't confirm where did they run or what did they do (due to limit of time until 1/5)

About Privacy Manifest and how deep should we take care of Required API