No Metrics available in MLJob

Hey, im training an MLImageClassifier via the train()-method:

guard let job = try? MLImageClassifier.train(trainingData: trainingData, parameters: modelParameter, sessionParameters: sessionParameters) else{
            debugPrint("Training failed")

Unfortunately the metrics of my MLProgress, which is created from the returning MLJob while training are empty. Code for listening on Progress:

 job.progress.publisher(for: \.fractionCompleted)
            .sink{[weak job] fractionCompleted in
                guard let job = job else {
                    debugPrint("failure in creating job")
                guard let progress = MLProgress(progress: job.progress) else {
                    debugPrint("failure in creating progress")
                print("ProgressPROGRESS: \(progress)")
                print("Progress: \(fractionCompleted)")
            .store(in: &subscriptions)

Printing the Progress ends in:

MLProgress(elapsedTime: 2.2328420877456665, phase: CreateML.MLPhase.extractingFeatures, itemCount: 32, totalItemCount: Optional(39), metrics: [:]) Got the Same result when listening to MLCheckpoints, Metrics are empty aswell: MLCheckpoint(url: URLPATH.checkpoint, phase: CreateML.MLPhase.extractingFeatures, iteration: 32, date: 2024-04-18 11:21:18 +0000, metrics: [:])

Can some1 tell me how I can access the metrics while training? Thanks!