Xcode 15.2 App Launch Instrument Not Showing Lifecycle Phases


I watched WWDC 2019 Optimizing App Launch video and can't see the Lifecycle phases when I Profile my App.

I'm using Xcode 15.2 with Instruments 15.2, and SwiftUI as UI framework.

Here is a screenshot of what I get.

It's there another tool or another way to get this information?



Hi there,

Thank you for the report. Could you please check if the same behavior is seen using the newest tools release, Instruments 15.4? If that is the case, we would appreciate a feedback report including information about your target device as well as(OS version, device model). You can file it using https://feedbackassistant.apple.com website.


Hello Kacper,

Apologies for the delayed response. I managed to download the Xcode 15.4 RC version, and it worked perfectly.

Thank you for your assistance!

Wishing you a wonderful day ahead,


Xcode 15.2 App Launch Instrument Not Showing Lifecycle Phases