History and your help

Obviously I am a developer, I was also one back in the day with Borland when they came out with great alternatives to Microsoft! Back then we had two people in a garage trying to develop a tinkerer version of this revolutionary small version of a device to rival the big bucks vaz and huge mainframes. Prts were cheap, we didn’t have disk drives, just tapes. And in concert with someone with Apple in charlotte We d v loped a contacts database to be saved on tape.

Then later with Borland I met with a developer to install the correct hp laser jet driver to print. I was main online Compuserve to support a programmable word processor which had its own language.

then the Internet came, RjJ Reynolds donated multimultiple lIBM IPCs to our ham club, Grinos came out in C, so I modified it for packet radio across th the repeaters in NC.

So I left law school and went working on an Apple //e at a local retailer. I’d replace power supplies and graphics chips for 16 and 64 k computers, occasionally the accountant who needed amore screen. All great but bills were just bareable at that income level. Like the Raspberry Pi’s of today (which I just created.

again unfortunately my MacBook Pro 16” display developed a screen went south but plugging in an hdmi to close monitor works, almost. So I call Apple support send me to Greensboro Apple Genius Bar because I have AppleCare, but she continently forg ts to write that in her notes. So when I’m at the store, the do find an issue with my brand new iPhone 15 with AppleCare but I have no proof so they will fix my MacBook Pro. My main development machine.

I just published a new apple book last month on it.

im 66 now in impermanent housing trying to make myself worthwhile to the community, yet I can’t. I can at best submit a formal complaint to Apple and “hope it gets to the right channels” just like when the first Apple Music rollout deleted 4000 songs because they weren’t in iTunes Match. Apple sent two puzzled techs out for Pinkerton had thousands of followers, but not me. I got from executive support “ we don’t need user input”. And it’s now true: woz is gone, all feedback goes to a robot and the live people ”forget to write down crucial info”.

so it all boils down to how will I learn swift with Xcode and use the 15 to upload to the Vision Pro (when I can afford it) when even the newest Mac beta was too big to fit on my MacBook Pro with moving files to the cloud.

Except regretting the good ol'days, what is the purpose of your long post ? What do you expect other developers to do for you ?

History and your help