*** Assertion failure in -[MYAPP.MYCollectionView _updateLayoutAttributesForExistingVisibleViewsFadingForBoundsChange:], UICollectionView.m:6218

I am getting this error, only in iOS 17 (all version) on old code that had been working since iOS 15. The error occurs whenever the collectionView need to increase it's height beyond its initial height. The collectionView is inside a tableView. All autolayout constraints are set and everything use to work fine in previous version of iOS.

*** Assertion failure in -[MYAPP.MYCollectionView _updateLayoutAttributesForExistingVisibleViewsFadingForBoundsChange:], UICollectionView.m:6218

*** Assertion failure in -[MYAPP.MYCollectionView _updateLayoutAttributesForExistingVisibleViewsFadingForBoundsChange:], UICollectionView.m:6218