TipKit: Are tips marked "IgnoresDisplayFrequency" also ignored by display frequency?


I have set up two tips in my app, and my app is configured with Tips.configure([.displayFrequency(.daily)].

Tip 1 is set up with no options. Tip 2 has the IgnoresDisplayFrequency(true) option set:

var options: [Option] {
    // We want the user to see these because it's important.

This option works as expected, as far as I can tell, in terms of making sure that Tip 2 is shown even if I've already seen Tip 1 today. If I interact with my app such that Tip 1 is displayed, and I then interact with it such that Tip 2 should be displayed, Tip 2 shows immediately, even though a day hasn't passed.

However, if I do this the other way around, so that Tip 2 is displayed first, and then I interact so that Tip 1 should be displayed, my expectation would be that Tip 1 is not displayed, because another tip has already been shown today. I expected that it would not be shown until the following day, since it is not configured to ignore the tip frequency.

That's not what happens, though. Tip 1 is displayed right away, even though Tip 2 has just been shown. This makes me think that setting IgnoresDisplayFrequency on Tip 2 is causing it to also be ignored when considering whether other tips should be shown.

I did try omitting IgnoresDisplayFrequency option, and then as expected, only one tip is shown on a day, no matter which one is shown first.

TipKit: Are tips marked "IgnoresDisplayFrequency" also ignored by display frequency?