Triangle count and texture size budget for RealityKit on visionOS

In the past, Apple recommended restricting USDZ models to a maximum of 100,000 triangles and a texture sizes of 2048x2048 for Apple QuickLook (and I think for RealityKit on iOS in general).

Does Apple have any recommended max polygon counts for visionOS? Is it the same for models running in a Volumetric window in the shared space and in ImmersiveSpace?

What is the recommended texture size for visionOS? (I seem to recall 8192x8192, but I can't find it now)

Answered by DTS Engineer in 788544022

Hello @Todd2,

Generally speaking, triangle and texture size do have implications for both quality and performance.

However, rather than focusing on a numeric recommendation for those model characteristics, I encourage you to think about performance and quality as an iterative optimization cycle for your specific app.

For example, let's say you present a low-poly model with low-resolution textures in your app. Is the visual quality good enough for the experience you are trying to build? If not, is there performance headroom in your app to increase these model characteristics to achieve higher visual quality?

If you aren't sure how to evaluate the performance headroom of your app, the Performance and metrics documentation contains lots of great articles on the topic, including one specific to visionOS!

Hello @Todd2,

Generally speaking, triangle and texture size do have implications for both quality and performance.

However, rather than focusing on a numeric recommendation for those model characteristics, I encourage you to think about performance and quality as an iterative optimization cycle for your specific app.

For example, let's say you present a low-poly model with low-resolution textures in your app. Is the visual quality good enough for the experience you are trying to build? If not, is there performance headroom in your app to increase these model characteristics to achieve higher visual quality?

If you aren't sure how to evaluate the performance headroom of your app, the Performance and metrics documentation contains lots of great articles on the topic, including one specific to visionOS!

Apple's WWDC24 video "Optimize your 3D assets for spatial computing" states recommended max triangle counts at 2:33

This video is wonderful.

Triangle count and texture size budget for RealityKit on visionOS