Can we add an action to the 'Shortcuts' app in macOS using 'Intents extension'?

I have macOS application and I want to provide an action for it in the 'Shortcuts' app QuickAction list. I was using InApp handling to present my intent created in the intent.intentdefinition file as action in the shortcuts app and it was working.

However, this action perform a very lightweight task so I intent to have the action implemented as an extension in my xcode project.

According to my minimum deployment(i.e macOS 11.0) I found that 'Intents Extension' could be used.

I have added the 'Intents extension' target to my main application and created an intent using the intent.intentdefinition file. However, my intent does not appear in the shortcuts app. I have verified it multiple time to ensure I am not missing anything, but still the intent is not present in the shortcuts app action.

I wanted to be know, Is this even possible? cause this apple documentation only mentions about iOS and watchOS app. It also does not mention If our custom intent(created using Intents extension) in the intents extension can be exposed to the shortcuts app.

For macOS 13.0+, I have used the 'AppIntents extension' and I m able to achieve the same. So, I suppose the same should be possible using the 'Intents extension'

This is solved. I am now able to handle the intent in the shortcuts app using the 'Intents extension'. However, I have a observed something which is not in alignment with the apple documentation.

This property which is specified in the .plist file for the intents extension is not available for macOS according to their documentation. However, it is observed that I m not able to handle the intents without using this property and it should be specified for macOS. Is this something being missed in the documentation?

Can we add an action to the 'Shortcuts' app in macOS using 'Intents extension'?