Xcode 15.3 Failed to build .swift , Preview is not working.

#Preview, @available(iOS 17, *), PreviewProvider

Preview is not working. I've tried this and that, but I can't. Please help me.

Hi Gons,

Sorry to hear you are having problems getting previews working. To help we'll need some additional data, the best next step will be to file a feedback with diagnostics so we can take a look.

Steps to generate helpful diagnostics:

  1. Download and install the logging profile on all devices involved. Instructions and profiles are available here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?name=swift
  2. Reproduce the issue
  3. Click the "Diagnostics" button in the error banner in Previews' Canvas area (or if the banner is missing you can use the menu: Editor > Canvas > Diagnostics)
  4. In the sheet that appears, click "Generate Report" in the bottom left of the sheet
  5. Attach (or make from the folder) the resulting zip file to the bug report (will be named something like previews-diagnostics-0123456789.zip)
  6. Generate the sysdiagnose(s) and attach those too
Xcode 15.3 Failed to build .swift , Preview is not working.