How much does it cost to develop an app like Airbnb?

I’d like to develop an online marketplace and service provider iOS app similar to the Airbnb app for my startup company. I need standard functions like email registration, user profile, listings etc. And special functions like: location tracking, map, booking system, embedded messenger for the host and customers, internet surveillance camera and rating system, payment system.

I have two questions:

-How much does it cost?

-Is it possible to develop it by myself and how long?(no programming background)

if you have no programming background, that's not the easiest way to learn.

in this type of application, data security is a critical point that requires strong technical skills.

Lemme answer both of your questions.

1) How much does it cost?

Depends. It depends on which features you wanna include. You know that, right? But, I do have one precise information here. I know how many hours it will take.

Total 165 hours

Am I a developer?

NO. Developing is not my cup of tea. Hat’s off to all the developers.

BUT… But, I do work with experienced iOS developers here at Space-O Technologies.

They have shared a web page with me today.

Here you go:

The page has all the information you need.

2) Is it possible to develop by self? (without programming background)

I’d suggest to outsource it. I mean you don’t wanna learn the whole programming language just to develop a single app.

Do you?

The actual cost may vary depending upon your requirement and quotation offered by the app development firm. Besides the price will depend on the functions implemented in the app and what kind of approach the company is looking forward to.

I have found an informative blog that describes all you need to know about how much an app development similar to Airbnb will cost. You can check it here:

It depends. Are you planning to build a site that has all the features that Airbnb has (including all the different payment systems that work around the world, which essentially means they become their own bank), the scalability they have (millions of users), etc. Then the answer is: probably millions.

However, Airbnb started from somewhere, and their first MVP wasn't quite that expensive. Still, they were able to get their early adopters to use it.

If you're looking to create a similar online marketplace, I highly recommend you to start from an MVP that is good enough: meaning, it is able to solve the core problem your users have, even if it's a bit rough around the edges. Read more

To answer your question precisely-

1. How much does it cost?

The development of such an app, and its cost can vary widely. However, to actually understand how much it costs to develop your app idea, you can always follow an app development cost guide like this - that will list out the costs according to the features.

2. Can you develop it on your own?

Since you have no programming background, and it is a start up idea, it’ll be better if you outsource the development and design process. This way you’ll get a much better help in establishing your app.
1. How much does it cost?

Answer: It depends on which features you want to include. There are a few components to calculate when it comes to the cost to build an app like Airbnb. I have found an informative blog that describes - How much does it cost?

2. Is it possible to develop it by myself and how long?(no programming background)

Answer: Since you have no development experience, and it is a start up idea, then i will suggest you to hire a leading mobile app development company - OpenXcell, who have hands off experience to develop an online marketplace app like airbnb. This way you'll improve help in setting up your application like airbnb.

There is no fixed cost of developing an app as it depends on a number of factors including app features, functionalities, UI/UX design, developing team's skill and their geolocation, tech stack, and more. Here is an article that can help you know more about the cost of developing an app.

If you don't have a programming background, you can learn flutter to develop android and ios mobile app. Flutter is Google's open-source technology for creating mobile, desktop, and web apps with a single codebase. 

The pricing of the app depends on the functionalities. We charge US$ 1200 for single functionality. For more information on mobile app development pricing, you can visit

It is very tough to quote the exact app development cost until you have all the details of the project requirement. App development cost depends upon various factors such as type of app, features, design, functionality, third-party APIs, support, and maintenance.

There are three categories of application. Here is the app development cost breakdown :

  1. Small-Sized app - Small-sized app has 6-10 unique screens. It only includes basic features and doesn't include many third-party APIs. A developer needs standard UI components, basic filters, a feed list, and map markers. The app development cost for a small-sized app is between $10000 to $25000.

  2. Mid-Sized app - Mid-sized complex app has 20-25 unique screens. It includes more complex features than a simple app. App required a payment gateway, integrations, analytics, custom UI, real-time chat, and a simple backend server. The app development cost for a small-sized app is between $25000 to $50000.

  3. Large app - The large complex app has 40 to 45 unique apps. It includes advanced-level functionality compared to the above two categories. App required features like geolocation, google maps, ads, data encryption, data streaming, different user roles, etc.

To learn more:

Of course it's better to hire professionals to develop an app like you want, especially if you don't have programming background. Speaking about costs, it's also better to speak to professionals directly, and provide them with all the project info, in order to get correct estimation. I can give you a good guide on finding professionals for your issue. Here it is:

Good luck!

Hi there

It depends on many factors, especially your requirements for an app. If you're okay with something simple, you can get an MVP - it's the cheapest way, and if you use a no-code platform, you can develop it by yourself. But if you need something better, you should hire developers, but still, the mobile app development cost varies widely.

You can read some articles to get more detailed information -

Hi there,

The cost of a mobile app depends on many factors, including your expectations for an app. If you are okay with something simple and not multifunctional, you can develop an MVP, it's the cheapest way, and you can do it by yourself using a no-code platform.

But if you need something more global, which can bring more revenue, you should hire developers, and the cost will vary widely then.

If you are curious, you can check some posts from developers about mobile app development costs -

Hoping you found answers to your questions.

Hi! Developing an app like Airbnb can be a complex process, and the cost and timeline can vary depending on various factors, such as features, platform, and development team. It's always a good idea to check the website of professional app development companies to get a better understanding of the costs involved. As for developing it yourself without a programming background, it might be challenging without proper training. However, you can always learn the basics of coding or consider partnering with an experienced developer to bring your idea to life. Check the website of coding schools or online tutorials to learn more about the process. Good luck with your startup!


The development cost of an app similar to Airbnb typically relies on the number of desired features and the total development hours dedicated to implementing those features. To provide a comprehensive breakdown, it is necessary to identify the essential features that should be included in the app, evaluate the time required to develop each feature, and consider the average cost associated with it. This average cost is generally contingent upon the hourly rate charged by the mobile app development company.

Check out the most relevant blog that I came across -

Hope this blog gives all your answer

I think without the experience of a developer, such things cannot be made of high quality and working. It is better to entrust this to an outsourcing company; prices may vary for everyone. To understand which company to choose, I advise you to read articles on this topic, for example here

Hi @grant0904

Developing an app like Airbnb can vary in cost based on several factors, making it crucial to align your specific requirements with your budget. If you're considering a more straightforward solution, starting with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is often the most cost-effective approach. You can even explore no-code platforms, which allow you to build a basic version of the app yourself.

However, for a more comprehensive and customized application, it's advisable to hire professional developers, especially if you lack a programming background. To get an accurate estimate of costs, it's best to consult with experts and provide them with detailed project information. They will consider factors like the desired features, development hours, and the hourly rate charged by the mobile app development company.

In the end, the development cost of your Airbnb-like app will depend on your unique project specifications. For a more precise estimate, it's recommended to speak directly with professionals who can guide you through the process and provide a thorough breakdown of expenses.

For additional insights on finding the right professionals for your project, you can refer to a guide specifically tailored to your needs. This way, you'll have a clearer picture of the steps involved and can make informed decisions about your app development journey.

Here is the blog link:-[]

Developing a feature-rich iOS app like Airbnb typically requires professional expertise from an iOS app development agency for example: due to its complexity. Costs vary based on features and complexity but can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Creating it independently, without programming experience, could take several years of learning and development.

This is a great question, funny how i stumbled upon it

But i recently saw two things

one, a youtube video that talks about developing an AirBnB App, the guy literally takes you through the whole development - you can check it out here:

two, i went down the rabbithole of finding companies to do this for me, you can use TopTal or or and build a team to make you the app - check out their sites

There will be a multitude of factors at stake including your app security, allocating the right resources, managing the app’s budget, etc. Coming to the cost part, the Airbnb app development cost can be between $20,000 to $120,000. This price can increase or decrease as per the complexity of your project, the features you want to integrate, the development platform you choose & many other factors.

Here’s a more detailed overlook -

Creating an app like Airbnb involves multiple factors that influence the overall cost. Each factor involves the complete expenses from functionality to design, development, and maintenance. In this answer, we delve into the critical components affecting the cost and provide insights into estimating the budget for developing an app like Airbnb.

Understanding the Scope Before determining the cost, it's crucial to define the project's scope. An app like Airbnb typically includes features such as user registration, property listing, search and booking functionalities, messaging, reviews, payment integration, and administration panels for both hosts & administrators.

Factors Influencing Cost

  1. Complexity of Features
  2. Platform Compatibility
  3. Design Elements
  4. Backend Development
  5. Security & Compliance
  6. Testing & Quality Assurance
  7. Maintenance & Support
  8. 3rd Party API Integrations

Mobile App Development Cost Estimation • Basic app (MVP) with essential features: $20,000 - $50,000 • Medium complexity app with additional features: $40,000 - $75,000 • High-end app with advanced functionalities: $100,000+

Final Words Developing an app like Airbnb requires careful planning & budgeting. Factors such as feature complexity, platform compatibility, design, backend development, security, testing, and maintenance can help businesses estimate the cost more accurately. Collaborating with experienced app developers and investing in quality ensures the app's success and sustainability in this competitive market.

If you want to learn more about mobile app development cost and relevant factors - read more here!

The cost of developing a user-centric and cutting-edge iOS app like Airbnb usually depends on factors like app complexity, features, and functionalities to be integrated, platform choice, development stages, and type of mobile app. So, when integrating basic features and functionalities, your custom app development cost can range from $20,000 to $60,000, while mid-level applications with bit complex features and functionalities can range from $50,000 to $200,000. The cost of complex app development integrated with high-end features ranges between $80,000 to $350,000 or can go even higher.

The development stages, such as discovery, design, development, testing, and deployment, also influence the app development cost breakdown. Additionally, the platform you choose, whether cross-platform development, native app development, or web app development, dramatically impacts the overall cost.

For further insights, explore a more detailed breakdown here -

What is Airbnb?

Airbnb is an online marketplace that connects people who want to live temporarily with property owners who make their spaces available for rent. Founded in 2008, this platform gives you access to a wide range of accommodations including single rooms and entire houses. With operations in over 220 countries and territories, Airbnb helps travelers to find unusual and cheap lodgings all over the world.

Features of Airbnb

User Profiles: Hosts and guests can create detailed profiles, including photos and personal information.

Listing Creation: Descriptions of hosts with photographs and other relevant details concerning their properties can be found.

Search and Filters: This is a feature that will help users in narrowing down their search to find the right property.

Booking System: The reservation process is automated via a consolidated online platform that includes booking and payment systems.

Reviews and Ratings: Guests can leave reviews and ratings on each host’s profile thereby fostering reliability and quality assurance.

Messaging System: Communication between hosts or guests through an in-app messaging system helps people connect more easily.

Notifications: Push notifications are sent to users when they receive new messages, booking requests or if there is any change to the status of their existing bookings.

Customer Support: Bookings related issues may be brought up for discussion through customer service.

Why Do You Need an Airbnb App?

An Airbnb-like app provides a seamless platform for property owners to monetize their spaces and for travelers to find unique accommodations. It offers a convenient, centralized solution for managing listings, bookings, and payments, enhancing user experience and ensuring trust and safety through reviews and ratings. This connectivity fosters a global community of hosts and travelers, driving business growth.

Cost to Create an App Like Airbnb

There are different costs associated with creating an app similar to Airbnb, such as design, development as well as testing and deployment. This means that the total cost can vary between 50,000 USD and 150,000 USD depending on the platform being used (either Android or iOS or both), complexity of features involved and how remote or near is the team offering the services. Maintenance costs may be incurred as well as continued updates and marketing after launch.

Additional Information

For more information and to hire an iOS developer. visit the links below:

Get a free quote: Contact us:

The cost is a very important factor to consider when you have to decide to create an app like Airbnb. The cost depends on the app’s features and platform. Usually, the platform with basic features ranges between 40,000 to $300,000. But if you need to add advanced features then it will increase the overall cost. Other factors like complexity, frontend-backend design, tech stack, UI/UX components, App Panels, experience of the developer, and a number of developers will directly affect the price. You can read my full blog on How to Build an App like Airbnb to get full information about the development and design costs.

Is it possible to develop it by myself and how long? (No programming background) I would like to suggest you if you don’t have an understanding of the programming language to develop an app like Airbnb then just hire experienced developers who have expertise in app development.

If you want to know the cost of building an app like Airbnb then there are multiple factors involved like features that you want to include, size of the app, complexity, technology involved, and a lot more. But remember that building an app requires a careful approach and if you try to do it by yourself then you may not only lose your customers but hamper your business reputation in the long run.

Speaking of the cost of a dedicated mobile app development company like EitBiz, it may start from $5000 and can go up to $50,000.

But don’t just blindly choose, ensure you go through their portfolio here: and make a decision. Furthermore, you can even visit their website to learn more about their mobile app development services.

How much does it cost to develop an app like Airbnb?