spacial computing

Hello, I've test Apple spacial computing since few weeks now. I've hope working on spacial computer will give me more productive. At this time, safari extensions I use (bitwarden) was not available. There is no other web browser available. I've not find how to use xcode in my spacial computer. I've not find any native (not iPad) terminal tool. Mac screen sharing only give me one screen (and I've got 4 in my desk). This screen can be very big but I prefer having 4 little screen better a big one. And screen sharing is not usable using mouse at all. my mouse always disapear from my screen when sharing with my spacial computer. For all theses case, using spacial computing for working is not realist at this time in my specific case. I lost to many time using it instead of using a "real" computer. Hope this message can help you to upgrade software and give me all tools needed to use it to work. Best regards, Julien Boquet

spacial computing