StructureBuilder with modified CapturedRooms

My goal is to modify CapturedRooms and load them back into the StructureBuilder to generate a new CapturedStructure.

Since CapturedRooms cannot be modified directly I stored them as JSON, modified the parameters (e.g. switching object categories) and serialized them back into a CapturedRoom object. So far so good, the object is loaded correctly. But when i put them into the capturedStructure() all the original parts of the CapturedRoom are used.

As some of you may have already noticed there is an undocumented CoreModel stored in CapturedRooms when you export them in JSON-format. It seems that the structure builder only uses this CoreModel to compose the output.

So here my question to the forum:

  • Does anybody know a way to edit a CapturedRoom so the StructureBuilder respects those changes and composes a new structure including those changes?
StructureBuilder with modified CapturedRooms