Universal app link with query parameters is not working

I have configured AASA file to support path such as https://domain/forgot-password?token=asadsad3ddsd. It is not opening in browser nor app. I have tried different iterations to support the above url.

iteration 1 : components : [ { "/" : "/forgot-password" , "?" : { "token" : "?*} ]

iteration 2 : components : [ { "/" : "*" } ]

iteration 3 : components : [ { "/" : "/forgot-password" , "?" : { "token" : "?????..." } ] my token is of length 36. so I have kept 36 question marks.

do we need to configure something in flutter app delegate to support query parameters.

@Vijay_naikwade ,

Unfortunately I cannot help with the Flutter aspect, but in terms of the Apple side, have you been able to open any universal links at all in your app?

If not, then take a look at this article and follow the steps here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/technotes/tn3155-debugging-universal-links#Test-universal-links-behavior

If it's just the forgot password link that's not working, try this:

 "/": "/forgot-password/*",
 "?": { "token": "?*" },
"comment": "Matches any URL with a path that starts with /forgot-password/ and that has a query item with name 'token' and a value of more than one character."

If the issue persists, I recommend contacting Flutter to see if there's anything special needed to be done on that side, as I believe there are some steps you have to take there.

Universal app link with query parameters is not working