Bluetooth keyboard events in fully immersive Vision Pro app?

I'm writing a Vision Pro app that's fully immersive and rendered using Metal. Occasionally, some users of this app would benefit from being able to use a physical keyboard (or other accessory like a game controller). It seems very straightforward to capture and handle spatial gesture events, but I cannot find an interface that allows the detection, capture, or handling of keyboard events in any of the objects associated with fully immersive metal rendering: CompositorServices, LayerRenderer, and its associated .frame, .drawable, and .drawable.view don't seem to have any accessory awareness. Can you help me handle a keyboard event?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 788664022

Hello @stechert,

GCKeyboard is a great API to receive events from a physical, connected keyboard!

Hello @stechert,

GCKeyboard is a great API to receive events from a physical, connected keyboard!

It didn't occur to me to think of the keyboard as a game controller, but thank you, this is perfect!

Bluetooth keyboard events in fully immersive Vision Pro app?