Deleting answer from developer forum

Hi I have a really embarrassing answer to a post in this forum, how can I delete this. I'm actually sweating!

Answered by Forums Product Manager in 788726022

You can only edit threads within a few minutes of creating them. After that, it would be up to the moderators to delete them although we typically only delete threads if they violate the forum guidelines because they can be helpful for others.

If you feel your post is problematic, you can use the flag option on your posts to draw them to our attention and explain why you want them deleted.

You can only edit threads within a few minutes of creating them. After that, it would be up to the moderators to delete them although we typically only delete threads if they violate the forum guidelines because they can be helpful for others.

If you feel your post is problematic, you can use the flag option on your posts to draw them to our attention and explain why you want them deleted.

Deleting answer from developer forum