How to configure App Clip Only XCode project

I have an App, and I want to publish an App Clip in addition to that app. Due to size restrictions I cannot share any of my assets or code, so I made a new XCode project (for background, the original project is a build from Unity, so it would be inconvenient to link them into one XCode project).

I have set up an XCode project with an App Clip, then deleted the main App from it, and now I want to distribute the App Clip to XCode.

I could not push to the App Store in the organizer (only 'custom' available under 'method for distribution', then I can only select 'Built Products' or 'Archive', no upload to App Store, see screenshot)

until I found that my App Clip target (the only target in my project) had Build Settings -> Deployment -> Skip Install set to Yes. When I turn that to No, in the Organizer when pushing to App Store Connect, it now tries to create a new App instead of connecting it to the already existing app (see next screenshot, actual bunlde id removed but it matches)

The already existing app has a bundle id io.mycompany.maypp, and the app clip has io.mycompany.myapp.Clip

Is what I am trying even possible, or do the main app and app clip need to be published in the same XCode project? Which settings do I need for this?

I could not push to the App Store in the organizer (only 'custom' available under 'method for distribution', then I can only select 'Built Products' or 'Archive', no upload to App Store, see screenshot)

This issue occurs when you have a generic archive. For more information, see TN3110: Resolving generic Xcode archive issue.

Is what I am trying even possible, or do the main app and app clip need to be published in the same XCode project?

When you submit an App Clip for distribution to testers with TestFlight or for publishing in the App Store, you don’t submit the App Clip on its own; you export and submit the app bundle of the full app that includes the App Clip. For more information, see Distributing your App Clip.

How to configure App Clip Only XCode project