Different App Names

I have a question of clarification about naming apps. On the app store, some apps have a certain name, for example Spotify has "Spotify - Music and Podcasts", but when you actually download the app, the name beneath the icon is just "Spotify".

Where in Xcode (or in the App Store Connect website) do you set the first, or the second?

Answered by acton-donn in 788738022
  • In App Store Connect, App Information > Localizable Information > Name is the longer one. Developers do that to include keywords in the title hoping for good ASO.

  • The one that the users see when using the app is set and localizable in Xcode. Find the target in the project view then edit General > Display name field.

    • If you are using string catalogs, add InfoPlist.xcstrings file to your target. It will have CFBundleDisplayName key so that you can translate this name.
Accepted Answer
  • In App Store Connect, App Information > Localizable Information > Name is the longer one. Developers do that to include keywords in the title hoping for good ASO.

  • The one that the users see when using the app is set and localizable in Xcode. Find the target in the project view then edit General > Display name field.

    • If you are using string catalogs, add InfoPlist.xcstrings file to your target. It will have CFBundleDisplayName key so that you can translate this name.
Different App Names