Does anyone know if HDR video is supported in a RealityView?

I have attempted to use VideoMaterial with HDR HLS stream, and also a TextureResource.DrawableQueue with rgba16Float in a ShaderGraphMaterial.

I'm capturing to 64RGBAHalf with AVPlayerItemVideoOutput and converting that to rgba16Float.

I don't believe it's displaying HDR properly or behaving like a raw AVPlayer.

Since we can't configure any EDR metadata or color space for a RealityView, how do we display HDR video? Is using rgba16Float supposed to be enough?

Is expecting the 64RGBAHalf capture to handle HDR properly a mistake and should I capture YUV and do the conversion myself?

Thank you

DISCLAIMER: This is a guess on my part

I'm not sure the Vision Pro display ever gets brighter than about 280 nits and something like EDR is in use all the time for anything that is HDR. I would love to be proven wrong however.

Does anyone know if HDR video is supported in a RealityView?