AppStore connect issues

I have been experiencing numerous problems with App Store Connect. I have developed an iOS application, it has been approved and I pressed the button to publish it and after that It stuck with a state "Ready for Distribution" for a week. The application never appeared in AppStore and it seems like it will not appear unless the support team fixes it somehow.

Speaking of the Support Team, I have been sending e-mails to fix my issue but have not heard from them yet (3-4 days in silence).

I have tried to change some metadata to re-trigger application distribution but it did not work.

So, in the mean time I added a couple of improvements with design and logic and decided to distribute a version 1.1 of my application. This version appears in TestFlight but I cannot put it in the Review state, I tried to create the iOS App Version 1.1 to make it happen but every time I receive an error "An error has occurred. Try again later." - I see this error for a couple of days as well.

So, it seems like my account or app is in a bad shape but I cannot reach support.

UPD: finally got my app published. However, still have no idea how to create a new 1.1 version or change a crucial app details

Any ideas, why Apple Dev support ignores tickets. It feels like they just abandoned us

AppStore connect issues