DestinationVideo -- MV-HEVC Files

In the code example provided there is a bool in the Video object to set a video as 3D:

  • /// A Boolean value that indicates whether the video contains 3D content. let is3D: Bool

I have a hosted spatial video that I know works correctly on the AVP player. When I point the Videos.json file to the this URL and set is3D=true my 3D video doesn't show up and I get the follow error:

  • iPVC/1-0 Received playback error: [Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11850 "Operation Stopped" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The server is not correctly configured., NSLocalizedDescription=Operation Stopped, NSUnderlyingError=0x30227c510 {Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12939 "byte range length mismatch - should be length 2 is length 2434" UserInfo={NSDescription=byte range length mismatch - should be length 2 is length 2434, NSURL=https: <omitted for post> }}}]

Can anyone tell me what might be going on? The error is telling me my server is not configured correctly. For context, I'm using a google drive to deliver dynamic images/videos using:

  • <file ID>

And the above works great for my images and 2d videos. Is there something I need to do specifically when delivering MV-HEVC videos?

Answered by brycelynch in 789491022

I was able to make this work. I changed how I was delivering files from my gdrive to my hosted server and it everything works as intended. Setting the flag for is3D playback my spatial video as expected.

Accepted Answer

I was able to make this work. I changed how I was delivering files from my gdrive to my hosted server and it everything works as intended. Setting the flag for is3D playback my spatial video as expected.

DestinationVideo -- MV-HEVC Files