Instruments can't open a saved trace

I saved a trace from the Leaks tool. However when I try to open the saved file, I get an error that says, "The document 'Generations.trace' could not be opened. Trace is malformed - run data is missing." This happens every time I try to save from Instruments.

I'm using Instruments 15.3. Any ideas?

Hi there,

This is certainly unexpected. Are you saving trace into a stable filesystem location that is not being purged? Some of these symptoms might be caused when trace is being saved into a temporary directory.

If it reproduces each time and that's not the case, best way for us to look into it would be to receive a bug report with:

  • sysdiagnose file, captured after the save / open operation that failed
  • the trace file itself


This has been very repeatable and so far I have been unable to open a saved trace in Instruments. I submitted a bug report using Feedback Assistance and attached the requested files.

Ticket: FB13819533

Instruments can't open a saved trace