Unable to install TestFlight build after app was removed from sale

I'm frantically trying to update five mobile applications that have been neglected for way too long, managed to get an update published for the first one just last month, but now I'm stuck trying to release an update for the second one.

The only real difference in the overall process between these two is that the first was not "removed from sale" by Apple's automated systems, where the second one has been.

My app update is built and uploaded to App Store Connect, it shows up under the "TestFlight" tab, and it shows in the TestFlight app on my iPad, but when I tap "Install" I get a message that reads "Could not install [app]. The requested app is not available or doesn't exist."

The app in question works with proprietary hardware that I cannot send to Apple for the sake of their internal review process, but I cannot make a "tech demo" video showing the app working on my iPad because TestFlight refuses to install it...

Please can somebody help me work out what I'm missing here?

Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 789604022

Hello there, we looked into this and we believe that we have resolved the issue, please log into your App Store Connect account and see if there are any actions associated with your app. If you have further issues, please contact us.

Accepted Answer

Hello there, we looked into this and we believe that we have resolved the issue, please log into your App Store Connect account and see if there are any actions associated with your app. If you have further issues, please contact us.

Unable to install TestFlight build after app was removed from sale