iOS app - Could not create a temporary .itmsp package... No version found for 'Apple ID ' on platform macOS App

When I try to upload my app with Transporter I'm getting an error dialog that says

Could not create a temporary .itmsp package for the app “app-release.ipa”.

No version found for 'Apple ID ' (XXXXXXXXXX on platform macOS App). If this problem persists for more than 24 hours, please contact your Apple representative.

This is an update to an existing app and has now persisted across multiple different versions I've tried to upload.

I have uninstalled Transporter and deleted its cache before installing it again.

My theory is that Transporter thinks this is a macOS app when it's really an iOS app, so it doesn't see that I've set up a macOS app in App Store Connect and fails because of that. I don't know why it suddenly thinks it's a macOS app after working fine for multiple updates in the past.

I suggest you try to use the Xcode organizer to upload your app, or the xcodebuild -exportArchive commands if you need to do this from a command line. Does Xcode produce the same error, or does the upload succeed?

I'm having the same problem. iOS only app. Has been uploading fine with Transporter for over a year, and now it's not allowing to upload. I don't use Xcode so i don't have any alternatice. I've reached out to Apple support, but have not heard back yet.

Ok, i've confirmed this is a new problem introduced in Transporter 1.3 (1380). I was able to upload the same .ipa via fastlane with no problems. Still crickets from Apple support. The developper program is a joke.

iOS app - Could not create a temporary .itmsp package... No version found for 'Apple ID ' on platform macOS App