Memory profiler crash on running profile for debugging WKWebKit crash

We are getting crash issue in our WKWebkit based Cordova application due to memory issues. However, for debugging the memory issue we are trying to use JavaScript allocations in the memory profiler of instruments. and while using it, the profiler automatically closes within few seconds, and we are not able to debug the underlaying memory issue in the WKWebKit. I


Since your code is written in JavaScript, I’m not sure how much use the Allocations features in Instruments will be, since they’re made for apps using Swift or Objective-C. That said, we definitely don’t expect Instruments to crash just because your app uses JS. Can you submit a feedback report with a sysdiagnose and any Instruments crash logs you have so we can take a look at that part of the issue?

For your actual memory issues, I would recommend trying to debug using Safari’s Web Inspector. In the Timelines tab of the web inspector, you can click the pencil icon to enable the Memory and JavaScript Allocations timelines, then record your app when it’s experiencing memory issues. Safari’s Web Inspector would be able to give you a much better understanding of what parts of your JavaScript code are using the most memory.


The memory profiler is from safari web inspector and that is crashing (automatically closing) after few seconds of enabling it.

Please file a bug report for the crash you're experiencing with the Safari Developer Tools, and don't forget to include a sysdiagnose. Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for my reference.

If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

If you'd like to ask for further assistance with the Safari Developer Tools after filing that bug report, please start a new post and use the Safari topic area so that its seen by everyone interested in web development topics.

I have created a bug report in the feedback assistant. This is the FB# FB13951605

Memory profiler crash on running profile for debugging WKWebKit crash