install macOS 15 as virtual machine with Virtualisation framework

Has anyone tried to install macOS 15 (24A5264n) from the downloaded restore image with the sample project RunningMacOSInAVirtualMachineOnAppleSilicon on the latest macOS 14.5? I am getting a strange error

Fatal error: A software update is required to complete the installation. Installation requires a software update.

System also shows this dialogue But when I click install it says that the software is not currently available from the Software Update server. I'm trying with the latest public Xcode 15.4 on an M3 Mac.

Answered by gmpalter in 790164022

You need to install the Xcode 16 beta. It has the required updated components to allow the installation.

Before installing Xcode 16, I got the same error trying to install Sequoia using UTM. After installing Xcode 16, UTM was able to install Sequoia.

Do you use Parallels Desktop ? Tried that as well and i fear it does not support macOS 15 yet.

I instead used

which works fine for macOS 14 but with 15 it seems not to work - which possibly makes sense as 14 does not know anything about 15 SDK's. Not sure if it is currently possible to virtualize macOS 15. If someone knows, let us know.

I got the same dialogue and error (using the Restore Image from the downloads website). Perhaps you need a macOS 15 host as well.

Accepted Answer

You need to install the Xcode 16 beta. It has the required updated components to allow the installation.

Before installing Xcode 16, I got the same error trying to install Sequoia using UTM. After installing Xcode 16, UTM was able to install Sequoia.

Previously, I remember there being a "Device support" package that you could download separately from the Xcode beta that would allow creating virtual machines without needing to install the Xcode beta. Is this correct? Will there be anything similar this year?

install macOS 15 as virtual machine with Virtualisation framework