Xcode 16 Predictive Code Completion Model Stuck in Downloading

Recently Upgraded my System to macOS 15 Sequoia Beta and Xcode 16 Beta. Everything downloaded and working fine but Predictive Code Completion Model Stuck in Downloading. System - MacBook Air 2020, M1, 16GB RAM, 256GB(114GB available) storage.

Similar issue here. Running macOS Sequoia Beta and Xcode 16 Beta inside a UTM VM. Everything downloaded OK apart from the Predictive Code Completion Model.

Same issue here: The operation couldn’t be completed. (IDELanguageModelKit.IDEModelDownloadAdapter.(unknown context at $1154e0d9c).DownloadError error 3.) Domain: IDELanguageModelKit.IDEModelDownloadAdapter.(unknown context at $1154e0d9c).DownloadError Code: 3 User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-06-12 14:57:15 +0000"; }

There was an error processing the asset. Domain: IDELanguageModelKit.IDEModelDownloadAdapter.(unknown context at $1154e0d9c).DownloadError Code: 3

System Information

macOS Version 15.0 (Build 24A5264n) Xcode 16.0 (23037.4) (Build 16A5171c) Timestamp: 2024-06-12T16:57:15+02:00

There's more discussion on this topic happening in another thread.

Xcode 16 Predictive Code Completion Model Stuck in Downloading