App name already exists but it's my customer brand and we need that name

Hello, we are facing an issue on creating App Name for my customer. This name seems it's already chosen but somebody, but It doesn't appear on App Store. We submit a claim to recover this name by Apple's Form but no response from Apple , and no email is being received , at least a confirmation that the submit was done. It is no transparent process for us, so we cannot decide if we wait to being able use my Customer's brand name for the App or we go to new name? . Can somebody help us on this?

Answered by Developer Program Support in 791073022

Hello, I'd recommend contacting Apple Developer Support to assist you with this issue so they can gather additional details about your specific request.

Thank you!

Hello, I'd recommend contacting Apple Developer Support to assist you with this issue so they can gather additional details about your specific request.

Thank you!

App name already exists but it's my customer brand and we need that name