Xcode 15 crashes when exporting interface builder storyboard package

I am attempting to create a launch screen story board and export it as a package. I built a story board by using the following video tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIMbJ1WXMS8

When I finish I select the storyboard file in the project navigator view in Xcode and use menu file>export. On the popup menu I select my build folder for the location and I select File format as Interface Builder Story board package.

I am using a Sonoma 14.5, I have tried using xcode 15.0 , 15.2 and 15.4

For some reason this is causing Xcode to crash. It was working in 15.2 and then it started crashing over and over. I can run it on my iPad and it works but then I export it and Xcode crashes and does not export anything.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 792181022

Thanks for all the steps and details.

Our engineering teams need to investigate this issue, as resolution may involve changes to Apple's software. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could open a bug report.

Please submit a complete bug report regarding this issue using Feedback Assistant (https://feedbackassistant.apple.com). If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look athttps://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting.

The current status of your Feedback can be viewed in Feedback Assistant under Resolution. Here you can track if the report is still being investigated, has a potential identified fix, or has been resolved in another way.


Thanks for the post.

Could you please share the crash file here? It would be invaluable to see the exact point where Xcode is crashing. Additionally, could you walk me through every step you take before the crash occurs? The more details you can provide, the better I can understand the context and identify the issue. This could include any specific actions you took in your project, any builds you ran, or any error messages you encountered before the crash.

If possible, could you share a link to your project? That would be extra helpful.

After you provided all this on the post, my advice is that you please file a bug report via Feedback Assistant (https://feedbackassistant.apple.com). For more information on Feedback Assistant, visit https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting. Include the results of your testing, steps and crash file in the bug report.  

Important:  For feedback related to Xcode, App Store Connect, or other developer tools and resources, select "Developer Tools & Resources" as your Topic, then select the specific tool or resource.

While your bug is being investigated, would be great to have all the information in this post as well to search for a possible workaround. Please post your bug number, just for the record.

Looking forward to see the crash file and reproducible steps.

Ok, so this is very easy to replicate, at least on my development environment. All I did was create a new project (app), add a Storyboard, change two settings then attempt to export.

Here are the directions as detailed as possible:

On my Mac, Open XCode 15.2

Use Xcode menu file -> new -> project

This will open a window with title "Choose template for a new project:"

On this window select iOS and App, then click the Next button.

This will open an new window with title "Choose options for new project".

The team field is already populated with my team(you would need to select your own).

Enter "LaunchScreen" for the project name, then clock Next button

This brings up a window that lets you choose where to create your project. I have my desktop selected.

Click the New Folder button

This brings up a window with title "New Folder"

In the textbox enter "LaunchScreenProject", then click Create button.

This will create a folder on the desktop, close the new folder menu and bring you back to the previous menu instead of having desktop selected the new folder will be selected.

click on the Create button.

This will bring open a new window containing the project that Xcode just created.

From the Project navigator on the left, select the launch screen folder.

From the Xcode menu at the top of the screen, select File -> New -> File

This will open a window with the title "Choose template for new file"

On this window select iOS and Storyboard and the click the Next Button

This will bring up a window.

On my screen, the title field in this window already contains the text the "StoryBoard", you may need to type that in.

The StoryBoard folder was already selected and the Group was set to LaunchScreen. The targets checkbox for LaunchScreen was selected.

Using the defaults on this screen, click the create button.

This will return you to the project view screen.

In the Project navigator on the left a new StoryBoard entry will appear under the LaunchScreen folder.

In the Project navigator select the top most item LaunchScreen. The middle window should change and show "LaunchScreen" as the title.

For me the, under Targets "LaunchScreen was selected

This seems to control which settings were being displayed. So make sure that is selected.

In the middle window, scroll down through the settings until you see LaunchScreen file.

From the dropdown select Storyboard.storyboard

From the Project navigator window on the left find and select the StoryBoard entry that you created in a previous step. It should be the bottom most item, it was for me.

This will populate the middle window with the title Storyboard. In this middle window you should see the text ">View Controller Scene". Select that item.

This should cause the right most window to populate with new settings. For me the Show Attributes inspector was already select on this window, if it is not you will need to click on appropriate icon to open the settings.

From the Show Attributes inspector settings, find the checkbox next to the text "Is Initial View Controller" make sure that is checked.

This next step is where it crashed, so I recommend that you go to Xcode menu at the top of the screen and select File -> Save.

You should still have the StoryBoard item in the Project Navigator window on the left select, if not select it.

From the Xcode menu at the top of the screen and select File -> Export. This will open a new window that lets you select the exported file name, location and File format.

I selected the Desktop-icloud as my location. I used the default name StoryBoard already populated as my file name. From the File format I select Interface Builder Storyboard Package.

Click the save button. That is when it crashes.

I am not sure how to put the crash report here, the file is too large to attach and pasting the crash text into the reply box caused issues.

It would be helpful if you could provide a link to a Apple tutorial on how to use XCode 15+ to create and export a Launch storyboard package. Specifically when using the Interface Builder Story board package option on the Xcode export menu.

I am not even sure that I am doing it correctly, the Xcode menus have changed and the tutorials I have found are for previous versions of Xcode.

Thanks for all the steps and details.

Our engineering teams need to investigate this issue, as resolution may involve changes to Apple's software. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could open a bug report.

Please submit a complete bug report regarding this issue using Feedback Assistant (https://feedbackassistant.apple.com). If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look athttps://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting.

The current status of your Feedback can be viewed in Feedback Assistant under Resolution. Here you can track if the report is still being investigated, has a potential identified fix, or has been resolved in another way.

Xcode 15 crashes when exporting interface builder storyboard package