Not able to run Spaceship game project

I downloaded Xcode 16 and updated my macOS to 15, but I keep getting this error when trying to build the game in simulator or in device

[xrsimulator] Exception thrown: The operation couldn’t be completed. (realitytool.RKAssetsCompiler.RKAssetsCompilerError error 3.)

It seems like textures are missing from the project?

I'm having the same issue. I'm getting the same error message: (realitytool.RKAssetsCompiler.RKAssetsCompilerError error 3). I'm not sure what is causing it though, as I can't find any of those warnings about missing texture files.

I'm trying to develop an app that will run on iOS, iPadOS and VisionOS, so I'd really like to get this sample app running!

Having the same issue with the Demonstration Video Project. Xcode 16 beta and Mac OS 15 as well. Target vision OS 2.0 of course.

With Xcode 16 Beta on Sonoma (14.5) I show 4 build errors:

Cant believe that's an official sample project :(

Hi donezio,

Apologies you are hitting this blocker.

I had seen something similar to this sporadically in development, but I have not been able to reproduce this on my end in recent times.

In the past, a combination of restarting Xcode, deleting DerivedData, and selecting Package Dependencies > Reset Package Caches worked to get me back on track.

Another thing to try is to select the Studio scheme to build the Studio package on its own.

Regardless of whether you can work around this, please file a Feedback request using the Feedback Assistant app. This will allow us to get to the underlying bug, or determine if it is already fixed in a newer release.

Keep us updated if you are able to get around this. Thanks!

Not able to run Spaceship game project