What is a timeout period for message filter extension's network query

In the documentation of deferQueryRequestToNetwork method which is used to do a network request on message filter extension. There is no mention of timeout period applied to network requests. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sms_and_call_reporting/ilmessagefilterextensioncontext/2880240-deferqueryrequesttonetwork

So my question is what is the timeout period of the deferQueryRequestToNetwork method? And is there some changelog to know has this value changed in some iOS version.

Unfortunately we don't publish exact times for things like this. The best course of action is to test with various delays (not running in the debugger) and see how the extension performs, as well as due diligence on upcoming Os(s) to ensure it still works.

What is a timeout period for message filter extension's network query