How to read back from Spatial Image encoded with HEIC information about which image at which index is left or right?

In the example, we see that for each image encoded with the photo we include the following information:

kCGImagePropertyGroups: [
    kCGImagePropertyGroupIndex: 0,
    kCGImagePropertyGroupType: kCGImagePropertyGroupTypeStereoPair,
    (isLeft ? kCGImagePropertyGroupImageIsLeftImage : kCGImagePropertyGroupImageIsRightImage): true,
    kCGImagePropertyGroupImageDisparityAdjustment: encodedDisparityAdjustment

Which will identify which image is left, and which is right, also information about group type = stereo pair.

Now, how do you read those back?

I tried to implement a reading simply with CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex, and that did not work, getting back "No property groups found."

func tryToReadThose() {
        let imageData = try? Data(contentsOf: outputImageURL),
        let source = CGImageSourceCreateWithData(imageData as NSData, nil)
    else {
        print("cannot read")
    for i in 0..<CGImageSourceGetCount(source) {
        guard let imageProperties = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(source, i, nil) as? [String: Any] else {
            print("cannot read options")
        if let propertyGroups = imageProperties[String(kCGImagePropertyGroups)] as? [Any] {
            // Process the property groups as needed
        } else {
            print("No property groups found.")

I assume maybe CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex expects something as a 3rd parameter. But in the "Specifying the Read Options" I don't see anything related to that.

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 791139022

You're on the right track. The next steps are:

  • Find the group that contains the stereo pair.
  • Extract the left and right index from that group.
  • Use the indexes to create the left and right images.
let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url as CFURL, nil),
let cfProps = CGImageSourceCopyProperties(imageSource, nil)  {
let props = cfProps as Dictionary
if let groups = props[kCGImagePropertyGroups] as? [[CFString:Any]] {
    let stereoGroup = groups.first(where: {
        let groupType = $0[kCGImagePropertyGroupType] as! CFString
        return groupType == kCGImagePropertyGroupTypeStereoPair

    if let stereoGroup,
        let leftIdx = stereoGroup[kCGImagePropertyGroupImageIndexLeft] as? Int,
        let rightIdx = stereoGroup[ kCGImagePropertyGroupImageIndexRight] as? Int,
        let leftImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, leftIdx, nil),
        let rightImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, rightIdx, nil) {

        // Do things with the left and right images!

You're on the right track. The next steps are:

  • Find the group that contains the stereo pair.
  • Extract the left and right index from that group.
  • Use the indexes to create the left and right images.
let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url as CFURL, nil),
let cfProps = CGImageSourceCopyProperties(imageSource, nil)  {
let props = cfProps as Dictionary
if let groups = props[kCGImagePropertyGroups] as? [[CFString:Any]] {
    let stereoGroup = groups.first(where: {
        let groupType = $0[kCGImagePropertyGroupType] as! CFString
        return groupType == kCGImagePropertyGroupTypeStereoPair

    if let stereoGroup,
        let leftIdx = stereoGroup[kCGImagePropertyGroupImageIndexLeft] as? Int,
        let rightIdx = stereoGroup[ kCGImagePropertyGroupImageIndexRight] as? Int,
        let leftImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, leftIdx, nil),
        let rightImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, rightIdx, nil) {

        // Do things with the left and right images!
How to read back from Spatial Image encoded with HEIC information about which image at which index is left or right?