Places with MapKit Questions

Hello, I'm very interested in utilizing Place ID with MapKit.


I do have some questions I've been unable to find in documentation or within the demo. Apologies in advance if they have been added since.

  • Are place photos included with the call? It appeared so in the demo just want to make sure as I was unable to confirm in the documentation.)

  • Are star ratings included with the Place ID? Reason: Looking for ways to display top/popular POI around a location.

  • How do rate limits work?

  • Can places be cached? (We're looking to keep saved/bookmarked POI cached to avoid pinging MapKit each time the app is used)

  • How often is place data refreshed? For example if a new restaurant opens in town when will it be available to display.

  • Can search provide place results by name (in and out burger) and by type (burgers in LA)? Would we have to pick one way or the other for search to work in this case?

Thanks in advance.

  1. Photos are added by the business, I believe. If they have added them, they'll be there.
  2. No star ratings on the Place Card, sadly.
  3. Not sure on rate limits - I don't think there are any?
  4. Not sure on caching, as I'm a newb to SwiftUI.
  5. Definitely an internal Apple question. Not sure how long it takes to update the database.
  6. I, too, would love to know the answer to this. Having the ability to, for example, narrow down types of restaurants in a search would be immensely helpful. Will post back if I find anything.

On #6: use a picker

Picker("Cuisine Type", selection: $selectedCuisine) {
     ForEach(cuisineTypes, id: \.self) { 
          cuisine in Text(cuisine.key)
Places with MapKit Questions