Xcode 15.4 from the App Store will not open on MacOS 14.5


New Apple developer here, running a MBP 2023 M2. A year ago I used Xcode to test a Flutter app I was working on, as well as a Godot app I was making. It worked fine to open, edit, and test those projects in the simulator.

Today I attempted to open Xcode and it would never load past the following window:

I let it sit there and spin for probably 30 minutes while I did other tasks, but it never changed.

Here is what I tried after discovering the issue:

  1. Google various generic terms relating to "No selection" and "xcode". Restart the computer. No change.
  2. Update MacOS. I hadn't updated to the latest 14.5. No change afterward when opening Xcode.
  3. Update Xcode. I updated to the latest version in the App Store 15.4. No change after update.
  4. Remove Xcode (move app to Trash from Applications, remove Library/Developer, empty trash) and fresh install from App Store. No change when opening Xcode.
  5. Reinstall command line tools (since they were removed in step 3) "xcode-select --install" and then used the UI to continue install. No change.

I can't really think of what else to do, as there's not a lot of information to go off of. I don't even know what that loading screen is supposed to show when it works (maybe a list of recent projects?). All options on the Xcode menu bar and the window itself are unresponsive and just show the spinning beach ball as the cursor.

What else can I do to 'reset' Xcode, and/or to clear out whatever files are preventing it from loading?

Thank you in advance!

Answered by Claude31 in 791472022

Try to load from here https://xcodereleases.com and please report what you get.

Accepted Answer

Try to load from here https://xcodereleases.com and please report what you get.

@Claude31 That worked just perfectly. For future me, or other future developers:

  1. Moved Xcode to Trash
  2. Emptied Trash
  3. Downloaded the 15.4 package (https://developer.apple.com/services-account/download?path=/Developer_Tools/Xcode_15.4/Xcode_15.4.xip) - see full list of downloads using the link in @Claude31's response.
  4. Extracted the app and moved it to Applications
  5. Worked perfectly!

Thank you for responding and for the link to the direct download site - I didn't realize you could bypass the App Store for Xcode and install it directly.

I think I'm set now, I hope you have a great day!

I so often had problem downloading from appStore (may be the servers are too busy ?) that I now always download directly. In addition that's easier to keep several versions of Xcode, notably betas (no need to trash the existing Xcode, just give different names as Xcode 15.4).

Wish you good continuation.

Xcode 15.4 from the App Store will not open on MacOS 14.5