Privacy Solution for Apps in iOS (Please Read)

Hear me out, developers at Apple!

You've done an amazing job with privacy so far. The introduction of ContactAccess and the Contact Access Button this year is truly an amazing work of art. Well done.

However, all the way back to the first iPhone I got in 2007, I wished Apple would make API's available to access the users installed apps (in a privacy way). This would (further) open up apps in the category of App Managers and App Launchers.

Back in the early days the trick was to use deep link, but that was also awkward, since you needed to know the deeplink upfront and the apps needed to support it. Not ideal. It also had a side effect that Apple noticed, that evil party's used it to scan your device to know which apps you had installed and create a profile from that. Apple fixed that by using LSApplicationQueriesSchemes. Now you have to tell the App upfront which apps you will be calling (up to 50), or use Universal Link to be freed from this limitation again. Again not ideal.

Why not turn it around and let the user decide? User central.

Imagine an App Launcher app. There is a button in the launcher app where you as a user can click on to add an app. It calls an api available from Apple to launch a privacy shielded sheet with the apps the user got installed on its device. These are not exposed to the launcher app. When the user clicks on the installed app (or apps) it likes to add, the launcher app will get identifiers to launch the app. That's it.

This would be limited access, perhaps the api could also expose full access, so permission could be granted once and the app will get all identifiers available. The choice will be up to the user.

One step further, but this would be more nice-to-have, is the ability to access meta data of the app, such as icon, title, last launched, app size, etc. This way App Launchers can make decisions such as putting the most recent launched app in front or App Managers can use this to decide which apps you are not using and can advise to remove them to clean up space.

Love to hear everyone's opinion. So let it be the start of the discussion.

Answered by Scott in 791786022

Hear me out, developers at Apple!

This forum isn’t an official channel for suggestions like this, so make sure to also submit a Feedback with your suggestion.

Hear me out, developers at Apple!

This forum isn’t an official channel for suggestions like this, so make sure to also submit a Feedback with your suggestion.

Scott, do you mean in the purple Feedback app on the phone? If that is the case, then I am sorry. Can I remove the post?

Start here:

You can’t remove a forum post (unless there’s some pressing reason such as accidental disclosure of PII) but don’t worry about it.

Privacy Solution for Apps in iOS (Please Read)