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I'm encountering a persistent "No such module" error in Xcode 15. The error appears in one file at a time, but the behavior is unusual. Here's what happens:
The error initially points to a missing module in a specific file (e.g., POILoader.swift) If I remove the line (or even comment out the import statement, the error jumps to another file (PlaceOfInterestDefinition.swift) that also imports the same module.
We've attempted to troubleshoot using common solutions like checking file paths, build settings, and cleaning the project.
Additional Information:
We tried creating a custom xcconfig file to manage build settings, but the documentation on Apple's developer site seemed outdated for Xcode 15, making it difficult to complete.
The error says "No such module 'PlaceOfInterestModule'.
import PlaceOfInterestModule
import Foundation
import CoreLocation
struct POILoader {
let id = UUID()
let longitude: Double
let latitude: Double
let name: String
let monopen1: String?
let monclose1: String?
let monopen2: String?
let monclose2: String?
let tuopen1: String?
let tuclose1: String?
let tuopen2: String?
let tuclose2: String?
let wedopen1: String?
let wedclose1: String?
let wedopen2: String?
let wedclose2: String?
let Thuropen1: String?
let Thurclose1: String?
let Thuropen2: String?
let Thurclose2: String?
let Fopen1: String?
let Fclose1: String?
let Fopen2: String?
let Fclose2: String?
let satopen1: String?
let satclose1: String?
let Satopen2: String?
var satclose2: String?
let Sunopen1: String?
let sunclose1: String?
let sunopen2: String?
let sunclose2: String?
import Foundation
import CoreLocation
struct PlaceOfInterest: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let longitude: Double
let latitude: Double
let name: String
// Opening hours represented as separate strings for each weekday
let monopen1: String?
let monclose1: String?
let monopen2: String?
let monclose2: String?
let tuopen1: String?
let tuclose1: String?
let tuopen2: String?
let tuclose2: String?
let wedopen1: String?
let wedclose1: String?
let wedopen2: String?
let wedclose2: String?
let Thuropen1: String?
let Thurclose1: String?
let Thuropen2: String?
let Thurclose2: String?
let Fopen1: String?
let Fclose1: String?
let Fopen2: String?
let Fclose2: String?
let satopen1: String?
let satclose1: String?
let Satopen2: String?
var satclose2: String? // Allow for optional closing time on Saturday
let Sunopen1: String?
let sunclose1: String?
let sunopen2: String?
let sunclose2: String?
I've even created a new project and rebuilt the project.
I'm working on an app that will show places of interest on a map- but only the ones that are open when the user is using the app- these are two files that I'm working on that will determine whether or not to put them in the mapview or not.