Request containing an attribute already in use

I'm trying to archive VisionOS App, and push it to store.

I've tried to look for AppStore for the name. And I made sure name isn't taken. I've tried so far 5 names that doesn't appear in the Appstore. Everytime I change name, I also like to keep the bundle name same. So it is taking time.

Is there any way quick way to find out what's the non-taken name?

Again, going to AppStore and make sure App name isn't taken doesn't solve my problem.

Error that I'm getting is below.

Error that I'm getting is

App Record Creation Error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=App Record Creation Error, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=App Record Creation failed due to request containing an attribute already in use. The App Name you entered is already being used. If you have trademark rights to this name and would like it released for your use, submit a claim.

Request containing an attribute already in use