XCode 16 beta2 (beta1 also) hangs when trying to open complex Localizable.xcstrings

XCode 16 beta1 and beta2 hangs whenever I try to open Localizable.xcstrings. The localization screen appears but afterwards XCode becomes unresponsive until I kill it. To make matters worse, upon restart the last window, Localizaton is reloaded, instantly causing a hang again (I need to be super quick as I have about half a second to try to click elsewhere like crazy). The same localization strings file works fine on XCode 15.4.

I tried to export all localizations in 15.4, empty the file, re-generate localization strings, re-import languages one by one in 16, starting with different languages (thinking maybe a weird exotic character causes the issue with one of the languages, this happened previously crashing XCode 15 until I found the offending character and replaced it with something else). But generally even after just adding a single language there is a serious slowdown - after adding the second one, XCode hangs again.

Note: the app in question has a lot of localizable strings - I had no issue creating a simple project with only a few strings. Just hoping a fix - I really wished the issue was fixed in beta2 but now I am a bit concerned that maybe it's a rare problem and might not get fixed as I saw no similar reports so far.

Hi there! Have you had the chance to file a feedback with a sysdiagnose, after reproducing? That would help us diagnose the issues you might be seeing.

Hi there - yes, I sent the crash log using the reporter tool popping up after killing XCode + a brief explanation about what I was doing.

If it helps I can provide the offending Localizable.xcloc file along with additional details if needed.

Ok, some more info:

  • After waiting several minutes (about 5) the task seems to complete and I can navigate Localization.xcloc. However closing Localizable and opening it again starts whatever is happening again. So the hang is not permanent.
  • Simply opening Localizable.xcloc file directly outside of the project using XCode 16 seems to work without delay and not cause a hang.
  • The XCode is running at 100% CPU usage during the hang.
  • Attached a sample of what's going on with XCode a few minutes into waiting for it to finish whatever it is doing, after clicking on Localizable file in the IDE.

Hello, in addition to the crash report, could you file a Feedback report and attach the spindump above as well as the crash log if you still have it?

Also, curious where the crash comes in. Is it that it hangs for awhile and then crashes? Or was the crash at a different time?

Also, I see that in some places you mention an xcstrings file and in other places an xcloc file. Can you clarify which file is failing to load? And if you can attach that file or a similar file to the Feedback report that would be even better!

Hi there, thanks for the response.

  • To clarify, XCode only hangs - as it turns out, eventually (after about 5 minutes of intense work with 100% CPU load) it responds again and I can navigate the Localizable file. The crash log was generated only after (initially) I thought the hang is permanent and killed XCode.
  • Sorry about the inconsistency, it is an xcstrings file, mentioning xcloc was just an old habit. :)
  • I attached the xcstrings file to the Feedback report - however as I mentioned, XCode can open the xcstrings file as an individual file (when not treated as part of the project) without problem, only opening it as part of a project the hang happens.

EDIT: I sent the feedback with all the requested info (FB14108294) + added some more context/observations in the description.

Hi there, I have the same issue on Xcode Beta 1 and 2 where a file with about 400 structs will crash Xcode when building locally for a preview, or on device.

When viewing the running processes in Activity Monitor swift-frontend has about 10 or so processes each consuming 9GB+ of memory, which eventually causes a complete crash of the system.

Commenting out most of the structs (to leave about 100 or so) resolves this issue.

Happy to provide whatever I can to help resolve this.

This problem is still present in Xcode 16 beta3. :( I was hoping I could transition to the new Xcode but this prevents it.

it seems like XCode is in some kind of death spiral around IDEXclocNavigableFileRep.respondToXclocChange(_:) and IDEXclocNavigableRep.respondToXclocChange(_:), but I see many more mentions of localization related stuff.

I really hope this will be fixed. I had a fair share of issues with Localizations in Xcode 15 as well but those at least had workarounds (mostly various crashes on commit or push because of certain offending characters which I had to hunt down manually, sometimes spending hours to figure out what offendeds Xcode), but this is an issue I can't seem to find the workaround for.

XCode 16 beta2 (beta1 also) hangs when trying to open complex Localizable.xcstrings