Apple Vision Pro app stops working after a while


I have developed an application using Unity that runs on the visionPro. I have correctly built it, installed it on the device and it works. The spatial computing application continue to work after several days (pretty normal, I launch the app and it works. It doesn't use any external services).

After several weeks, like a month or so, I launch again the same app but it's not working anymore. The only way I have to make it work again is to rebuild and reinstall it again.

What am I missing here? Why an application built and installed few weeks ago suddenly stops working on the VisionPro?

Answered by Technology Evangelist in 792946022

Hi @Gounemond, based on your description, it seems like you're using a development profile to sign your app. That type of profile is meant for development and debugging only so it's expected that apps signed with them expire after some short period of time.

If you plan to use the app on a longer term, you need to sign the bundle with a Distribution profile, like an AdHoc distribution or similar.

This type of app launching issue has a clear log signature and a sysdiagnose could certainly help us confirm that's the case.

Accepted Answer

Hi @Gounemond, based on your description, it seems like you're using a development profile to sign your app. That type of profile is meant for development and debugging only so it's expected that apps signed with them expire after some short period of time.

If you plan to use the app on a longer term, you need to sign the bundle with a Distribution profile, like an AdHoc distribution or similar.

This type of app launching issue has a clear log signature and a sysdiagnose could certainly help us confirm that's the case.

Thank you, it seems that was precisely the case!

Unfortunately I do not have access yet to an account with rights for a Distribution profile (I do not have access to an american developer account that can publish on the App Store). I wonder if there's a way just from a local developer account not located in the US to sign with some distribution certificate!

Apple Vision Pro app stops working after a while