iPadOS 18 Beta - System Data over 40GB

Hello! I am having a serious problem with my iPad Pro 2018 64GB. I had to delete everything, from Photos to Music, to games, to apps. I left only my e-mails (around 0,8GB and work apps like Outlook, Teams, Authenticators). All this only to install the Beta 2 for iPadOS 18. The culprit: Other System Data which at some point it was 42GB. Plus the 12GB iPadOS itself....my 64GB memory is done for. How I am supposed to utilise my iPad in this conditions? I did the same thing with iPadOS 17 Beta, and never ever had this issue, the System Data memory was "flexible" as advertised. In this version, it is only growing larger and never going down. I have restarted the iPad like 10 times, it wasn't going down, only up. I am not going to Reset my entire iPad because it will take me forever to set it up again for my work (I work for a company with a lot of security measures and I need to redo them all after Reset, they are not saved in Cloud). I know Beta wasn't supposed to be all perfect and dandy, but Apple, please, make it at least usable for devices with 64GB memory, because you do offer support for them. If you don't, at least put a restriction and allow the 18 Beta to run only on devices with at least 128GB of memory. Even then, half of it to be utilised by system files that are not my choice to be there, seems like I pay that memory premium tax to increase your stock prices and not my peace of mind. Fix it because my 1000$ iPad is useless right now.

It’s a developer beta. Expect bugs. My guess it would be updating all your photos to work better with the new photos app. It could be a bug; I haven’t heard much about it. It’s not the iPadOS beta, it’s the iPadOS developer beta. It’s designed so you can get you apps working, not for a device that you play games on.

iPadOS 18 Beta - System Data over 40GB