Customise text for Secure Enclave authentications

Hello, I am writing a macOS CLI application that holds cryptocurrency funds and uses Secure Enclave for security. I intend to create APIs so that other applications can create transactions from user's wallet in a secure way for the user.

I am using P256 curve and authenticating a transaction involves making a signature for a hash of transaction data. Currently, this is how the authentication box looks like:

However, this does not display any information about the transaction. If user is using my application, then I could display the information in the terminal. However, if some other CLI app wants to create transactions for the user, printing information in the terminal is insecure since a malicious app could override what is being printed.

I see a rich authentication UI in apple apps.

I wonder if there is a way to write UI for such applications. I would like to display some transaction information in the box instead of just "myapp needs to authenticate to continue". It would be great if there is a way to customize that text / add more text to it.

There are multiple ways to protect secrets with the Secure Enclave. Based on the name of your tool, I suspect you’re using the SecItem API directly. Is that right?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Customise text for Secure Enclave authentications