No option to set baseline for UI Test metrics

I'm trying to measure app launch time in an existing Xcode project. I added a simple test that's supposed to display a "no baseline" message and a button to set a baseline, but when I run the test, it just succeeds without showing the pop-up.

It works in a new project, so I suspect there might be a specific setting in my existing project that's causing the issue. The project is about 6 years old.

Does anyone know if there's a particular setting I need to enable for launch tests to display the baseline pop-up in older projects?

I'm running the test from new project in Xcode 14.2. Existing project in Xcode 15.2 and 14.2 both succeed with no baseline message.

Thank you!

See Writing and running performance tests that describes how to set up and gather performance tests.

Hi @DTS Engineer, I have followed the instruction from the link you shared but I still couldn't find the gray icon

My test

I run the test on Simulator iOS 17.2, the project has minimum deployment iOS 11.0. Does that affect it?

it seems it's a known bug, others also experiencing this issue

as suggested on other post, using measure(_:) works

No option to set baseline for UI Test metrics