Wi-Fi scans for Remote ID

Hello, I am curious about possibilities and implementing WiFi scanning functionality in iOS apps, in relation to the concept of Remote ID for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Remote ID refers to the ability to identify and locate UAS while they are flying, for example using a smartphone. UAS broadcast e.g. location, speed, the id of the operator, height, and other information. Information is encoded into Bluetooth or Wi-Fi advertisements.

I am developing an iOS application for the purpose of collecting data called DroneScanner. It scans for nearby RemoteID packets transfered using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. I was able to implement Bluetooth scans using CoreBluetooth API but I did not find a way to implement Wi-Fi scanning. It is crucial for our users to be able to use Wi-Fi scans because it is one of the methods in the Remote ID standard and we also get negative reviews for missing it.

I would need to access a list of Wi-Fi points that are visible from the device and also the raw content of the advertisements so I can parse them into Remote ID packets. I am also interested in understanding any limitations or restrictions regarding access to WiFi network information, as well as any recommended approaches for adhering to Apple's guidelines and policies.

Do I need to enroll in any developer program? Would the NEHotspotHelper be useful in my use case?


Answered by Scott in 793528022

Start here: TN3111: iOS Wi-Fi API overview.

Especially note this part:

iOS does not have a general-purpose API for Wi-Fi scanning and configuration.

Start here: TN3111: iOS Wi-Fi API overview.

Especially note this part:

iOS does not have a general-purpose API for Wi-Fi scanning and configuration.

Wi-Fi scans for Remote ID