Accepting Agreements - Legal Role

What are the options for having more than one person able to accept agreements?

It seems implausible to me that a corporation with thousands of employees, hundreds of apps with millions of users is reliant on a single personal accepting an updated agreement to continue functioning. Everything I can find suggests this is indeed the case however.

My staff have various suggestions for us to 'get around' this and the 2FAC log in process to share an account, but 'getting around' something wouldn't be my preferred option.

Thanks in advance if you can help.

To be honest, can any developers not accepting the agreement?

They are there just for legal formalities.

No, only the single user with the legal role can, and if not accepted then you can't publish updates etc.

I wish they were just 'formalities' but alas not. They're rather serious if you want to keep operating and the fact that, seemingly, only one person in the whole corporation can do it seems, odd.!

Accepting Agreements - Legal Role