White Label Apps in Regulated Industries

My agency has had its submission rejected as we’ve created an app for a client in a highly regulated industry, and we attempted to publish on the agency account. In such a sector, it needs to be published on a developer account owned by the regulated service provider. I’m planning to scale this out to lots of similar businesses, and I’m reluctant to take on managing many dev accounts and getting access to an email address on their domain for the purposes of enrolment. Can anyone suggest an alternative approach?

Hello @finnelliott,

Thanks so much for posting this question on the Apple Developer Forums!

You are certainly facing a challenge that is not unique in nature, but hard to manage at scale.

Just to make sure that the nature of your question is clearly understood. The customers that you are working with in regulated industries, or expect to be working with, do not already have an Apple Developer Organizational Account that can be leveraged and you are specifically looking for guidance around how to handle this type of situation?

Thanks in advance for the clarification and happy coding!

White Label Apps in Regulated Industries