Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage The app requires users to register or log in to access features that are not account based.


My app has gotten rejected because of guideline 5.1.1. My app required an account and a subscription to be used.

Can someone please let me know how they were able to get approved?

Would adding Apple sign in work?

Would letting the user browse the empty app work? They cant of anything without a subscription so I don’t know why this is getting declined.

I’ve asked if any of them would comply but the reviewer says they won’t offer any suggestions on app design, when that wasn’t the question. I just wanted to know if anything would make the app comply before I waste my time implementing anything.

Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage The app requires users to register or log in to access features that are not account based.