Unable to invoke the host App in ShareExtension

I developed a Share Extension for my App. Using the following code in the extension, I am unable to invoke the main App; however, I noticed that the Bing App can be invoked normally. Therefore, I have two questions;

Is there a bug in the invocation code? I used the extensionContext?.open method to invoke, and the callback flag always returns false; the scheme can be invoked normally in Safari How does the Bing App do it?

this my code: extensionContext?.open(URL(string: “myappscheme://”)!, completionHandler: { succ in // print(“open (succ)”) // })


  1. Mac OS: 15.0 Beta (24A5279h)
  2. iPad OS : 18 Beta 1 "

Answered by Engineer in 794491022

Share Extensions are not allowed to open apps and you should use completeRequest and not openURL (which is only available to Today Extensions).


WWDR - Software Engineer

Share Extensions are not allowed to open apps and you should use completeRequest and not openURL (which is only available to Today Extensions).


WWDR - Software Engineer

Unable to invoke the host App in ShareExtension