App Rejected: Appeal to Board of Review Time Frame and Update Methods

Hello All! Our app was rejected by the reviewer for reasons related to guideline 2.1 (summary: the reviewer thought it belonged in the Apple Business Library or as an unlisted app). We believe they misunderstood the nature of our business model and appealed the decision to Apple's App Review Board.

This was over a month ago and there has been no response. I've tried asking for status updates in the app's rejection itself (you can still reply to the rejection), but I just get the exact same canned response each time:

... the App Review Board will contact you directly once they've completed their investigation. Thank you for your patience while they investigate your appeal.

Is anyone aware of any other way to reach Apple Review for an update beyond that?

Thank you for your post. We've begun investigating this issue but we've been unable to locate your app submission to provide further assistance. Can you provide the name and App ID associated with the app? These can be found in App Store Connect in the App Information tab.

App Rejected: Appeal to Board of Review Time Frame and Update Methods