Sticker Pack Not Appearing in iMessage

Description: I have developed an iOS app that includes a sticker pack feature. However, when adding stickers to iMessage, they are not appearing as expected. Despite following the standard procedures, the stickers are not visible in the iMessage app.

The issue persists even after ensuring compatibility with the latest iOS version. Attached is an image that highlights the problem.

Any guidance or suggestions to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Make sure your stickers are following the guidelines described in Adding your sticker packs to Messages. If everything is the right type and size and still not working, please file a Bug Report.

I have run into this issue too. I have tried with both the Xcode 16 Beta and the Xcode 15 latest version with no luck on getting even the sticker pack to show up in the simulator or on device. Something feels completely broken, or there is a missing step thats not documented anywhere.

Sticker Pack Not Appearing in iMessage