RealityKit, DrawableQueue, and synchronizing scene updates

I have a visionOS app that utilizes DrawableQueue and CADisplayLink to update an Entity, TextureResource tied to the drawable, and a Material that uses that TextureResource. TextureResource gets updated with when a video frame is ready. Material properties can get updated from the video or from other sources. Current process: when each video frame is ready, we get the next drawable, render to it, present it, and make an Entity update (e.g. transform). However, I’m experiencing jitter in the rendered content where it seems that the updates to the entity and the drawable being presented are milliseconds off from each other. Should I be using Drawable.presentOnSceneUpdate() to ensure all updates happen in the same update cycle? And if so, do you have any additional details on how to correctly use this function (the docs are unclear)?

RealityKit, DrawableQueue, and synchronizing scene updates